Prof. Harun Okello Ogindo
Agro-ecology Specialist
Chairman of Crop and Soil Sciences, Associate Professor of Agrometeorology, research leader in Agrometeorology, Agroecology and Cropping Systems.
Maseno University.
“Harun Okello Ogindo is chair of Crop and Soil Sciences, Associate Professor of Agrometeorology, research leader in Agrometeorology, Agroecology and Cropping Systems with research experience spanning fields such as cropping systems, water use efficiency, climate change impacts in small holder systems, food systems analysis, microclimatological effects on cropping systems, soil water relations and use of simulation models in predictions.
He has mentored and supervised many students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He has received a number of research awards in terms of research funding including:
2020-2023: NRF Funded project “Affordable Green Energy From Agricultural Wastes For Improved Community Livelihood”. Bio-Energy (specifically Bio-ethanol and its allied products), community empowerment (through extra earnings from sales of the otherwise agro-wastes such as sweet sorghum stalk) entrepreneurship (by empowering the youth group), mechanical fabrication (the plant will serve as research demonstration);
2016-2018: ESRC/DFID funded project: Governing Food Systems to Alleviate Poverty in Secondary Cities in Africa (Kisumu, Kitwe and Cape Town). The project was Branded as “ Consuming Urban Poverty: Food Systems Planning and Governance in Africa’s Secondary Cities” of “CUP” (Part of multi-institutional and multidisciplinary team);
2013-2016: CGIAR Research programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Project CCAFS/EA/2013.003 entitled “Enhancing climate smart agriculture in Nyando through innovative partnerships, decision support tools and climate information services” (Project participant and leader);
Jan 2008- Jan 2010 International Development Research Centre (Canada)/Climate Change Adaptation in Africa programme (IDRC/CCAA) Research Funds Award for project “Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Pastoralists to Climate Change Induced Vulnerability in Northern Kenya. He worked with an EU funded programme under the Ministry of Agriculture as an agronomist/extensionist for a period of 13 years during which time a number of Food security projects were designed and implemented within the Lake Victoria Basin using community participation approaches. He has published a number of peer reviewed papers and book chapter as part of research achievement.
- hogindo@maseno.ac.ke
- +254723527833
- Maseno University, Kisumu, Kenya.
- https://praectice.maseno.ac.ke/