Dr. Erick Oteyo
Information Systems Specialist
Department of Information Technology, Maseno University
Dr. Erick Oteyo is an Information Systems specialist and lecturer in the Department of Information Technology, Maseno University. Dr. Oteyo holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) in Information Systems from Maseno University, Kenya. Master of Science Degree (MSc) in Information Systems from Nairobi University, Kenya.
Bachelor of Philosophy from Urbaniana University, Italy. His research focuses on green ICT, application of emerging ICT4D including Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Applications, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things, and Regulatory approaches to support innovation among others. He has been involved in the development of a number of mobile and web applications.
Dr. Oteyo is a certified green ICT professional and ICT auditor. Dr. Oteyo is currently part of the following projects: 1) Farm to Fork- Potentials of Agroecological practices in East Africa funded by European Union. 2) Sure Food (Strengthening Urban Resilience in FOOD and nutrition security in Kenya) funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Germany. Dr. Oteyo has published a number of scholarly articles in peer reviewed international journals, and presented talks and attended a number of workshops