2023-09-07 11:49About
Potentials of Agro-ecological practices in East Africa with a focus on Circular Water-Energy-Nutrient Systems (PrAEctice)
PrAEctiCe will provide a novel agro-ecology indicator set for East Africa, aimed at helping smallholder farmers in their agro-ecological transition. The project goes beyond the existing indicator frameworks by putting the “concept into action” with a decision support tool for agro-ecology advisors to select the best-suited combination of agro-ecological practices in a local context. In addition, it puts a focus on circular water-energy-nutrient systems of integrated aqua-agriculture, an practice with high potential for efficient farming with minimal climate impacts, which has not been sufficiently explored in previous indicator work.
Maseno University team comprises of Dr. Erick Ogello (Team leader, Fisheries and Aquaculture specialist), Prof. Aaron Ogindo (Agro-ecology specialist), Dr. Fredrick Aila (Marketing and market systems analyst), Dr. Benjamin Ombok (Risk Finance & Accounting in Vulnerable Agro-Production sector and Policy), Dr. Phoebe Mose (Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Management), Dr. Lilian Wanzare (IT-Specialist), Dr. Erick Oteyo (IT-Specialist), Ms. Susan Makhanu (IT specialist and Project Publicity), Fredrick Okinyi (Accountant), Michael Opiyo (ICT-eLearning), Nicholas Outa (PhD-Student), Mavindu Muthoka (PhD-Student).
PrAEctiCe Meets its Objective through:
Co-creation activities
Decision support tool
Mapping Agroecological Zones in East Africa